Mastery of Vocab and Part Of speech

Part of speech

A.     NOUN
A noun is a part of speech that it used to name a,things quality,or action ,a noun can function as a subject,object,complement .
Type of noun :

a.1        Common nouns
      Common nouns refer to a general class of person,place or things.
Examples    :

1.       Mosque                                    7.         Pool
2.       Island                           8.         rock
3.       Forest                           9.         room
4.       River                            10.        yard
5.       Jungle                           11.        ocean
6.       Cave                            12.        motor

a.2        Proper Nouns
Proper nouns are number that refer specifically to the identity of certain special noun.
Example :
 1.        The names of people                             5.         Geograpphical
                                    Bayu                                                                Semarang

                        2.         Geographical name                                6.         Institutional names

                        3.         Brand names                                         7.         Brand names
                                    Crocs                                                               all stars
                        4.         Titles of film                                          8.         Geographical name
                                    Titanic                                                              Magelang
9.         geographical name                                             10.        The name of people
                                    Solo                                                                              Dedy

a.3  Collective noun
                        Collective noun refer to a group or collection of nouns with one world .
Example  :        
 1.        Slice of  water mellon.
                        2.         a cup of tea
                        3.         crowd of people
                        4.         bundle of  spinach


a.4   Abstract nouns
Abstract nouns refer to concepts that we objectify in thought and speech but have no material form.
Exampel           :           1.  Rice                                     6.         Hope

                                                2.  Wave                                   7.         Sand

                                                3.  Air                                       8.         Salt

                                                4.  Sugar                                   9.         hair

                                                5.  Sadness                               10.  Water

a.5        Compound nouns
            Componund nouns are nouns that consist of two or more words combined.
Example :         
§      Farm house = rumah kebun
§      Over time = lembur
§      Bull dog = anjing
§      Mailbox = kotak pos
§      Sleep walking =  tidur berjalan
§      Thecup = cangkir
§      Side burns = cambang
§      Fish bowl = mangkuk ikan
§      Fruith cake = kue buah
§      Ladi bugs = belalang

a.6        Count Nouns
            Count nouns are nouns that may be counted in numbers
            Example :          1          3 apples
                                    2.         3 peoples
                                    3.         2 dogs
                                    4.         2 girls
                                    5.         2 house

a.7          Mass nouns ,also called non-count nouns ,are nouns that may not be counted.
Example :
§  Water = air
§  Sugar =gula
§  Air = udara
§  Coffe = kopi
§  Milk = susu
A word (one of traditional parts of speech)that takes the places of noun ,noun phrase,or noun clause.
b.1        Demonstrative Pronouns
            a dererminer that points a paricular noun or to the noun it replaces.
Example           :           This

b.2        Indenfinite Prounouns
            Example           :           some
b.3        Interrogative Pronouns
a term in traditional grammar for a prounoun that introduces a question.
Example           :           whom

b.4        Intensive Pronouns
a pronouns ending in self or-selves that sever to emphasize its antecendent
example            :           your self

b.5        Personal pronouns
a pronoun that refers to a particular person,group,or thing.These are the personal pronouns in english.
Example           :           I
                        b.6        Possesive Pronouns
                                    a pronoun that can take the place of a noun pharse to show ownership.
                                    Example           :           His

                        b.7        Reciprocal pronoun
                                    that expresses mutual action or relationship.
                                    Example           :  oneother
                        b.8        Relative Prounoun
                                    that introduces an adjective clause .
                                    Example           :           Who
            b.9        Reflexive Prounoun
                        ending in-self or-selves .
            Example           :               who (siapa)
                                                 which (yang mana)
                                                whom (siapa)
                                                whose (siapa yg mmpunyai)
                                                of which (yang mana)
                                                 that (itu)

            b.10      first-Persomn Pronoun
pronoun that refer to the speaker or write (singular) or to a group that includes the speaker or writer(plural).
Example           :           mine (miliku)
            b.11      Secound persont pronoun
                        pronuons use when a speaker addreses one or more individulas.
            Example           :           you (kamu)
            b.12      Third person pronoun
pronoun that refer to people or things other than speaker or writer and the person addres.
Example           :           He (dia laki-laki)
            She(dia perempuan)
            His(kepunyaan laki-laki)
            Him(dia laki-laki)

C.     Adverb
The five types of adverb .
Adverb of manner, provide information on how someone does something.
Example       :
·          Differently        : Dengan berbeda
·         Happily                                : Dengan bahagia
·         Carefully             : Dengan hati-hati

Adverb of time ,provide information on when something happen.
Example     :
·         Tomorrow           :  Besok
·         Yesterday            :  Kemarin
·         Today                    : Hari ini
·         Every day            : Setiap hari

Adverb of frequency,provide information on how of often something happen.
Example     :
·         Usually                 : Biasanya
·         Often                    : Sering
·         Never                   : Tidak pernah
·         Seldom                                : Jarang
·         Sometime           : Kadang-kadang
·         Always                  : Selalu

Adverb of degree,provide information concerning how much of something is done.
Example     :
·         A lot                      : Banyak
·         Some                    : Beberapa
·         Much                     : Banyak
·         A little                  : Sedikit

Adverb of comment,provide a comment about a situation.
Example     :
·         Fortunately        : Keberuntungan
·         Suddenly             : Tiba-tiba

Adverb formation
a.       Adverb are usually  formed by adding’-ly’ to an adjective .
Example     :           quiet = quietly
b.       Adjective ending in ‘le’ change
Example     :           probably
c.       adjective ending in –y’ changes to ‘-ly’

Example     :           happy =happily

d.       Adjective ending in-ic ‘change to ‘ically’

Example     : automatic=automatically

Adverb sentence placement
a.       adverbs of manner

·         Differently        : Dengan berbeda
·         Happily             : Dengan bahagia
·         Carefully           : Dengan hati-hati
·         Slowly              : Dengan pelan
·         Loudly              : Dengan keras

b.       adverb of time

Tomorrow   :  Besok                        Every day         : Setiap hari
Yesterday   :  Kemarin
Today         : Hari ini

c.       adverb of frequency

Usually                   : Biasanya
Often                      : Sering
Never                     : Tidak pernah
Seldom                   : Jarang
Sometime                : Kadang-kadang
Always                   : Selalu

d.       adverb of degree

A lot                       : Banyak
Some                      : Beberapa
Much                      : Banyak
A little                    : Sedikit

e.       adverb of comment.

Fortunately  : Keberuntungan
Suddenly     : Tiba-tiba

D.     VERB
            Verb classification
-  Primary Helping Verbs
·         Be (is, am, are, was, were)
Example :          1. Is coming à datang
                        2. Is helping à membantu
                        3. Is eatingà makan
4.Is leaving à meninggalkan
5. Was going à pergi
6. Are geting à memperoleh
7. Are studying à belajar
8. Am shooting à menembak
9. Is reading à menulis
10. Were seting àmenyetel

·         Have
Example :          1. Have read à membaca
                        2. Has taught à mengajar
3. Have put à menaruh
4. Has shod à menembak
5. Have drunk à minum
6. Has come à datang
7. Have eaten à makan
8. Has cast à melemparkan
9. Have left à meninggalkan
10. Has studied à belajar
·         Do
Example :          1. Write à menulis
2. Eat à makan
3. Make à membuat
4. Study à belajar
5. Call à memanggil
6. Open à mebuka
7. Clean à bersih
8. Take à mengambil
9. Read à membaca
10. Close à tutup

A preposition is a word governing ,and usually coming in front of ,a noun or pronoun and expressing a relation to another word or element.
          preposition of place ;at,in,on
example            :           Bila waiting train at station

          Prepostition of times: at,in,on     
example            :           I woke up at 5.00 am

F.             CONJUCTION
            A conjuction is a word that “joins” two parts a sentences .
Coordinating Conjuction                                     Subording Conjuction
And,but,or,nor,for,yet,so                         although,because,since,unless.
Example           :                                               example:
Ivo and eka went to school                                     although (meskipun)
But(tetapi)                                                               althought my body is warm
I’am  angry but my heart happy                          i still activity
Or (atau)                                                         
I will to choose succes or failed

Determiner is used to modify a noun is indicates references to something spesific or something of s particular type.

Types of determiners
a.       Articles
Example   :a, an, the
            The  designer  produce a goog product
The definite and indefinite articles are all determiner.
b.       Demonstratives
There are four demonstrative determiners in english and they are :this,that,these and those.
Example   : This(ini)          this is my bag
c.       Possesives
Example           : my(saya)
                        My campus have a beautiful environment
d.       Quantifiers
Quantifiers sre followed by nouns which they modify.Example of quantifiiers include.
Example           : some (beberapa)
Some people to visit my campus.



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