The Influence THe of Main Characters’ Conflicts Toward Plot in Oscar Wilde’s

Abstraksi Tugas Akhir / Skripsi Jurusan Bahasa Inggris dengan Judul: The Influence THe of Main Characters’ Conflicts Toward Plot in Oscar Wilde’s
In this thesis the writer uses a drama by Oscar Wilde, a controversial man of letters of England. This thesis focuses on the influence of the main characters’ toward plot in Oscar Wilde’s The Importance of Being Earnest. This thesis also applies psychological aspect to analyze the main characters’ characteristics.
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Effects Of Pre-Questioning On The Reading Comprehension Achievement Of The Second Grade Students

Abstraksi Tugas Akhir / Skripsi Jurusan Bahasa Inggris dengan Judul: Effects Of Pre-Questioning On The Reading Comprehension Achievement Of The Second Grade Students
This study were conducted to investigate the effect of Pre-questioning on the Reading Comprehension Achievement of the Second Grade Students at SMAN-2 Jekan Raya Palangkaraya, to investigate the effects of students’ gender on the reading comprehension achievement of the second grade students at SMAN-2 Jekan Raya Palangkaraya, and to investigate the effects of pre-questioning and students gender on the reading comprehension achievement of the second grade students at SMAN-2 Jekan Raya Palangkaraya in academic year 2006/2007. The forms of questions were in multiple choice and essay, multiple choice used for reading comprehension tests and essay used for Pre-questioning tests. There were sixty-eight of second grade students of IPS classes at SMAN-2 Jekan Raya in academic year 2006/2007 as the sample on this study.
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Analisis Makna Implisit Pada Novel Harry Potter And The Prisoner

Abstraksi Tugas Akhir / Skripsi Jurusan Bahasa Inggris dengan Judul: Analisis Makna Implisit Pada Novel Harry Potter And The Prisoner
This thesis is entitled Analisis Makna Implisit pada Novel Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Karya J. K. Rowling dan Terjemahannya. The objects of the analyses are sentences containing implicit meanings in the novel previously mentioned.
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An Analysis Of The Main Character’s Hatred Depicted In Sandra Brown’s Novel

Abstraksi Tugas Akhir / Skripsi Jurusan Bahasa Inggris dengan Judul: An Analysis Of The Main Character’s Hatred Depicted In Sandra Brown’s Novel
This is the result of An Analysis of the Main Characters’ Hatred Depicted in Sandra Brown’s Novel, “Where There’s Smoke”. This analysis shows that Jody hates Lara because she knows Lara is the woman who makes her son’s carrier, Clark, in political down. Jody also hates her son, Key, because Keyis the same as her husband who always makes love adventure to all women whom he like, so it is makes her hate Key so much.


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